Html Structure and HTML Version History - Create HTML web pages

Html Structure and HTML Version History - Create HTML web pages

HTML is the acronym for Hypertext Markup Language, which is employed to create HTML web pages that are displayed on browsers. The syntax of HTML code is the set of rules and guidelines that make it work.  
HTML tags syntax overview
Tags are used to represent elements in HTML documents and Tags are enclosed in angle brackets (< and >). The basic concept is that an HTML element has a start tag, content, and a closing end tag.
Tags are typically arranged in pairs, with the opening tag preceding the content and the closing tag following it.
The tag name is preceded by a forward slash (/) in closing tags.
Example looks like:
<p>This is a paragraph element.</p>
The display of the document is determined by HTML tags, which are not visible in a browser. The structure of a Web page is described by it. It is comprised of several elements.
The HTML Elements that are most frequently used:
The above mentioned HTML elements  which guidee the browser how to display the content.
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Fundamental Structural Elements

<html> - Root element of an web page
<head> - It contains document meta data
<title> - Page title displays at top browser bar
<body> -  includes document content
Semantic Sectional Elements
<header> - Header section
<nav>- Navigation section
<main>- Main content section
<section>- Generic section
<article> - Article
<aside> - Sidebar
<footer>- Footer section
Text structuring Elements
<p>- Paragraph
<span>- Inline text container
<strong>- Bold text
<b> - Bold text (deprecated)
<small> - Smaller text
<em>- Italic text
<i>- Italic text (deprecated)
<ins>- Inserted text
<mark> - Highlighted text
<del>- Deleted text
Table Elements
<table>- Table
<th> - Table header cell
<tr>- Table row
<td> - Table data cell
<caption>- Table caption
Page Headings purpose
<h1>- Main heading
<h2>- Subheading
<h3>- Sub-subheading
<h4>, <h5>, <h6>- Additional subheadings
Linking Elements
<a> - Anchor (link)
<link>- External resource link
List Elements
<ul>- Unordered list
<ol>- Ordered list
<li>- List item
<dl> - Definition list
<dt>- Definition term
<dd>- Definition description
Form and input field Elements
<form> - Form field
<input> - Input field
<textarea>- Text area field
<select>- Drop down field
<option>- Option item field
<button> - Button type
<label> - Label for input field
Image display Elements
<img>- Image
<figure> - Image container
<figcaption>- Image caption
Multimedia Viewing Elements
<video>- Video
<audio>- Audio
<canvas> - Canvas
<iframe> - Inline frame
Interactive explaining Elements
<details> - Details element
<summary> - Summary element
<dialog>- Dialog box
For Special usage reference
& (ampersand) represents character entities (e.g., &nbsp; for non-breaking space)
<!-- and --> for html non display comments  

HTML basic Elements
   - Self-closing tags: <tagname />(no content) example <imag />
    - Attributes: <tagname attribute="value">content</tagname>
    - Elements within element - Nested elements: <tagname><inner-tag>content</inner-tag></tagname>
HTML element Attribute declaration
    - attribute="value"
    - attribute=value
HTML full Document Structure
<!DOCTYPE html>- It declares the document type
<html>- this is the root element
<head>- it contains metadata (title, styles, scripts included here)
<body>- contains the full document's content and structure, elements.
An Example HTML web page
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>Joe : Welcome</title>
  <p>This is a paragraph element.</p>
All HTML versions till 2024
- HTML version 1.0 (1993) - Initial release
- HTML version 2.0 (1995) - Included forms, tables, and client-side maps
- HTML version 3.2 (1997) - Introduction of Casecade Stylesheets CSS, JavaScripts JS and Frames
- HTML version 4.01 (1999) - Improved accessibility, deprecated elements
- XHTML version 1.0 (2000) - Introduced XML-based HTML
- HTML version 5 (2014) -Introduction of Major update, added multimedia, canvas, and semantic elements
- HTML version 5.1 (2016) -Introduction of Minor update, improved accessibility
- HTML 5.2 (2017) - Introduction of Minor update, deprecated some elements


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