New to Magento? Want to learn Magento? Try to follow our Articles, it will guide you to learn Magento very quickly.(Wamp server)

1. Sytem Requirement to install Magento

-Magento supports PHP 7.0.2, 7.0.4, and 7.0.6 or later. Please read Magento System Requirements.
-Apache 2.2 or 2.4
-MySQL 5.6, 5.7
-Required PHP extensions (It need to activate some php extensions before to run setup)
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2. Install Wampserver

Download latest version of wamp server and install on your machine.

3. Download the latest version of opensource Magento ecommerce application

You can able to download from their site legally.
Download Link :

4. Installing magento

Extract the latest downloaded version of magento and copy those files into your magento project root directory

step 1: -->magento (extraction)

step 2: You can put this magento folder into your wamp server's root directory

example: D:/wamp/www/magento

step 3: Now create database for your project magento

open your http://localhost:8080/phpmyadmin and create a new database for your magento project in the name "magento"

step 4: Now we have to check the PHP's extensions if it is activated or not. otherwise we need to activate those manually. why this means, i have already told you, magento reguires some php extensions to run properly. Before to activate extension, check your WAMP is running or not. if it is running , the icons color would be in GREEN.

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Enable 1 : Activate curl extension

Now click on your GREEN WAMP icon then select PHP and then PHP extensions then click php_curl . it would be green tick marked, thats means ACTIVE.

ex: WAMP ICON ->PHP->PHP Extension->php_curl

Most of cases it would be active. if not active please activate it. and then click your WAMP icon to restart ALL services to finish this update.

Enable 2: Enable Apache rewrite module.

Now click on your GREEN WAMP icon then select Apache and then Apache Modules then click rewrite_module. it would be green tick marked, thats means ACTIVE.

ex: WAMP ICON ->Apache ->Apache Modules -> rewrite_module

Most of cases it would be active. if not active please activate it. and then click your WAMP icon to restart ALL services to finish this update.

Enable 2: Enable Maximum execution time and maximum input time on php.ini file.

Now click on your GREEN WAMP icon then select PHP and then double click php.ini file to open in textfile. You have to search "max_execution_time" and then change its value into 1500 or greater depends on store capacity to load.Then,You have to search "max_input_time" and then change its value into 1500 or greater depends on store capacity to load

ex: max_execution_time=1500
ex: max_input_time=1500

Then click your WAMP icon to restart ALL services to finish this update.

5. Run Magento Project

You have set all things to run magento on your machine.
Now you have to run.

Ex: http://localhost:8080/magento

You can see the continuation of " How to run the magento Project setup wizard on localhost? " in next article.


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