PHP->IMAGE UPLOAD : (UPLOAD IMAGES using Move upload function)

PHP->IMAGE UPLOAD : (UPLOAD IMAGES using Move upload function) 


$c1 = rand(0,9);$c2 = rand(0,9);$c3 = rand(0,9);$c4 = rand(0,9);

$rand = $c1.$c2.$c3.$c4;

$date = mktime();

if($image_file1!='') {



if($image_file1!='') { $path1 = 'thumb/'.$rand.$_FILES['fileupload1']['name']; } php?>

PHP->JAVASCRIPT VALIDATION : (for listbox checked)

var Item=form.template.selectedIndex;
var Result=form.template.options[Item].value;
alert("select anyone of the template");form.template.focus();return false;

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