Internet Marketing Tools
Internet Marketing Tools
On Site Search system
Help your visitors quickly find content on your site by allowing them to search your
site. Includes the ability to index PDF, Word, and Excel files.
Content Management System
Add and edit pages to your site without any technical skills. Easily create a "Member Only" section on your site.
Shopping Cart Solutions
Everything you need to start selling products. Easily manage your own store. Search engine friendly design to maximize traffic. Shopping cart features.
Affiliate Management Software
Get other web masters to promote your products and services by paying them a commission on any sales made from visitors they send you.
Social Bookmark Websites
Promote using social bookmark free sites.
Ad Advertisements
Know exactly which ads are making and losing money. Advanced tracking and analysis of site usage including Ad, Conversion, and Exit tracking.
Own Email groups
Automatically maintain multiple mailing lists. Integrate subscribe and unsubscribe forms into your site. Track email opens and email link clicks. Set up autoresponders to automatically schedule the same series of email to each new subscriber.
[Google Ads Section]
Survey and Poll
Get critical feedback from your customers. Integrate a survey or poll into your web site or email campaign.
Live Help Chat
Provide immediate sales/customer support to online customers. Invite visitors to chat. Record session transcripts.
Ad Server
Add ability to host and track ads on your own site. Great tool for testing which ad
messages work the best on your site.
Message Board Communities
Create a community of users by letting them communicate with each other. This is a great way to add content to your site for the purpose of enhancing your search rankings.
[Google Ads Section]